October 2019 -Matty Hillcoat’s Truckers Day Out
We had a great day at the Matty Hillcoat’s Truckies’ Day Out raising money for the Not for Profit River’s Gift which supports the research into stamping out SIDS.
Last year I posted on Facebook asking our followers what Truck Shows we should support, a lady inboxed us and suggested we attend the Matty Hillcoat’s Truckies Day Out. A quick Facebook search and I found their page. After reading the family’s story of losing their little boy to SIDS I knew this was something we had to go and show our support. Having a young family ourselves the cause really hit home for us.
I was blown away with how well organised and set up the show was especially only being in its 3rd year. From tractor pulling, pig races, great food, fireworks and of course the broad array of TRUCKS we highly suggest attending next year!
Jordyn Mackay at Matty Hillcoat’s Truckers Day Out 2019
Help this great show to grow, follow their page so you don’t miss next year’s event! Matty Hillcoat’s Truckies’ Day Out.
Big shout out to our Mackay & Sons Team who are always more than willing to polish and prep their truck even in their own time. Our rigs work all week in the mud and dirt and aren’t easy to get show ready. Thanks guys we appreciate it!
Photo credit to Dwayne Wenzel
Written by Kristy Mackay