hero1We Relocate, Re-stump & Re-touch Classic Australian Homes. HOUSE REMOVALSHOUSES FOR SALEREFERRAL PROGRAMRAISING & REPOSITIONINGASBESTOS REMOVALSELL YOUR HOMEDEMOLITION Real Clients We Relocate, Re-stump & Re-touch Classic Australian Homes. VinneyOffers over $123,900213RosemaryOffers over $88,000112Halliday HomesteadOffers over $120,500124Viser HouseOffers Over $270,000224GordonOffers over $92,400123FrankoOffers over $92,400103The PinelandsOffers over $166,000213RosalieOffers over $130,000213Tooloola CottageOffers Over $145,000213ArielOffers over $120,000113RandallOffers Over $131,500213VelmaOffers over $110,000213JarvisOffers over $75,000112BenjaminOffers Over $85,000112MalloryOffers Over $107,000214BertOffers Over $96,500212 The team at Mackay and Sons guided me through my first house removal, from planning stage to approvals. We love our new home! Kate Cleary Beautiful before and after DONNA & GREG Dream home case study BIANCA & GLEN